German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier embarks on Historic State Visit to Zambia

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Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier is set to undertake an official state visit to the Republic of Zambia from November 1 to November 3. This historic visit marks the first time a German Federal President has graced Zambian soil, signifying the significance of the bilateral relationship between the two nations.

The distinguished journey will commence with President Steinmeier’s departure from Songea, Tanzania, and his anticipated arrival in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, on the afternoon of November 1. There, he is expected to receive a warm welcome with military honors by President Hakainde Hichilema at the State House. Following the welcome, the two leaders are scheduled to engage in high-level political discussions, addressing matters of mutual interest. Subsequently, a joint press conference will be held to further elucidate the outcomes of their talks, underlining the importance of the visit. The day is set to conclude with President Steinmeier signing the visitors’ book and a state banquet hosted by President Hichilema, promoting cultural exchanges and diplomacy.

On November 2, the Federal President is expected to embark on a day filled with diverse engagements. Beginning with talks with Zambian parliamentarians, President Steinmeier’s itinerary will include a visit to the Fountain Gate Crafts & Trades School, a vocational institution in which the Chamber of Skilled Crafts of Frankfurt-Rhine-Main is actively involved. This visit will emphasize the collaboration between Germany and Zambia in the field of vocational education.

In the afternoon, President Steinmeier will depart for Livingstone, a city in Zambia known for its stunning natural beauty. During his visit, he will tour the water extraction plant on the Zambezi River, a German development cooperation project, highlighting the commitment to environmental and infrastructure development collaboration between the two countries. A significant event will take place with the signing of a financing agreement between KfW, the German government-owned development bank, and the Zambian water authority, solidifying financial support for critical water management initiatives.

The Federal President will continue his visit with discussions on wildlife protection, biodiversity, and sustainable tourism, with representatives of the government and non-governmental organizations. This will reinforce the shared commitment to preserving Zambia’s natural beauty and ensuring responsible tourism practices.

In the afternoon, President Steinmeier will embark on an excursion to Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, engaging in dialogues with experts on nature and wildlife protection. His visit will also include a tour of the magnificent Victoria Falls, providing an opportunity to appreciate the awe-inspiring natural wonder. The day’s events will serve to underscore the importance of international cooperation in protecting the environment.

The state visit to Zambia is set to culminate on November 2, with President Steinmeier’s return to Berlin, symbolizing the conclusion of this historic diplomatic mission. Prior to his visit to Zambia, President Steinmeier spent time in the United Republic of Tanzania, emphasizing Germany’s ongoing engagement with African nations.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s state visit to Zambia is a testament to the strong and growing ties between Germany and Zambia, not only in the political and diplomatic arenas but also in the realms of education, infrastructure, and environmental conservation. It highlights the commitment of both nations to working together for a sustainable and prosperous future.

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